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Friday, April 11, 2008

Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui Sheng Gong Index (1955-1957)

The Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui ("Chinese Anglican") official publication The Chinese Churchmen (圣公会报) ceased publication after the political changes in China in 1949. On 2 January 1955 Chinese Churchmen (圣工).literally meaning "sacred work", was launched. It appeared more or less a quarterly magazine until the end of 1957, the eve of the "Great Leap Forward" in China.

This publication is not widely known nor available in public, however. Copies still survive in the China East (Huadong) Seminary in Shanghai, and in the Shanghai Municipal Library. It offers important insight on the life and work of the Chinese Anglicans in the beginnings of the post-denominational period in Chinese Christianity.

We are grateful to Miss Li Cuixiang for compiling the index. The (unofficial) English translation is provided by Michael Poon.

Sheng Gong (圣工)Index (1955-1957)

See also CSCA Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui Source Documents.