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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Southern Bell Index (1963-2000)

The Southern Bell (南钟), published in traditional Chinese script, chronicles what (ethnic) Chinese Methodists think and do in Malaysia (which before 1965, included Singapore). It is the official magazine issued by the Methodist Church in the region. The publisher underwent several name changes, according to the restructuring of the churches in the 1960s to 1970s in Southeast Asia. Southern Bell was published in the early 1960s by the Methodist Church, Southeast Asia (东南亚中华基督教卫理公会). From 1965 (Volume32 issue 1, it came under the Methodist Church, Malaysia (马来西亚中华基督教卫理公会). By the fourth issue of the same year, it came under the Methodist Church, Malaysia & Singapore (马来西亚及新加坡中华基督教卫理公会). From 1969 (Volume 36 issue 2), the Chinese name was again changed to 马来西亚及新加坡基督教自治卫理公会, (literally translated, "the self-governing Methodist Church, Malaysia and Singapore", while dropping the "Chinese (zhonghua)" reference. From 1977 (Volume 44), the Methodist Church, Chinese Annual Conference, Malaysia (马来西亚基督教卫理公会华人年议会) took ownership of the magazine. See Index